How to Make the Most of Your First Offroad Experience  

Have you dreamt of the day you’ll hop on a motorbike and take off into the wilderness? Two wheels are arguably the best way to offroad, and getting started is the first piece of the adventure. To make the most of your first offroad experience, we’re here to equip you with the basics.

Find the Right Gear

A helmet is essential, of course and one with in-built quality wiper blades offers protection in all weathers. But there is more to safety when offroading than protective headgear. Proper protective clothing can save your skin in case of an accident. A well-fitted jacket and pants cover your skin in the event of scrapes from trees or brush. Clothing that caters to motorbike riding is sturdy and thick, so in a crash, you stand a better chance of keeping your skin attached to your body.

Other safety gear items include:

  • ·         Leather or synthetic boots that cover the ankle
  • ·         Eye protection, either a helmet with a shield or goggles/sunglasses
  • ·         Thick gloves that allow for movement and gripping
  • ·         Knee pads or pants that include built-in protection

Get an Expert Introduction to Offroading

The UK has no shortage of guided offroad experience venues. What’s exceptional about these offerings is you learn by doing. Getting on a motorbike and taking off with someone who’s knowledgeable is different than trying to do it on your own.

If you’re able to join in an offroad experience program, they’ll provide the basics. A guided program is perfect for beginners because it’s almost like a tour of the offroading experience. These programs start at a reasonable cost, but there are extras that you can add as well. Other UK offroad experience venues include KTM Motocross Experience, Trail Riding UK, and Trail and Offroad UK. These programs will whet your appetite for your offroading freedom, but they’re not necessary for getting the adventure started.

Relax and Enjoy the Ride

Odds are, you’re going to mess up. Shifting at the wrong time, braking too quickly, even losing control and eating dirt aren’t beyond the parameters of normal. It will take practice and self-discipline like learning any other skill. If you focus on what you’re doing wrong, you’re not making the most of the experience. Sure, you want to learn and improve your skills. But taking it one step at a time ensures you’ll be able to do that without injury.​