How to Become Mentally & Physically Adventure-Ready

Planning out your next outdoor adventure? Whether it’s hiking, trekking, rock-climbing or a combination of all three, you know how important it is to feel both fit and prepared. Part of that preparation is making sure your body (and mind) is up to the challenge so you can then enjoy the overall experience all the more. Before setting off for your next outdoor adventure, incorporate the below steps to get physically and mentally prepared for what may lie ahead:

The Right Equipment

Part of being mentally-ready and confident about an upcoming journey is knowing you have what it takes (literally) to get you through. Depending on the activity, that can mean many different things. Going on a two-week hiking and camping adventure? Good shoes, a sturdy tent, lightweight clothing, a warm sleeping bag, sunscreen, hiking poles and a spacious backpack are all essential items to bring along. Having the appropriate equipment before you set off will give you the peace of mind needed to tackle the path ahead, rather than live in regret or worry.

Strength Training

Now that you’ve gotten your mind ready, it’s time to take care of your body. Again, depending on the activity you plan to partake in, different strengths will come in handy. However, building up muscle and overall endurance levels are always your best bet and are applicable to almost every type of outdoor activity. Start as early as you can in order to really reap the benefits. Get in some regular gym time or focus on home work-outs, making sure to alternate between both cardio and strength training. The former will keep you fuelled and able to endure long treks, while the latter will unleash your inner warrior making you ready for just about anything.

Eat Right

You can’t talk about being mentally and physically prepared for an adventure without delving into nutrition. You know the basics: stay hydrated, and get in adequate levels of macronutrients. When strength training and aiming to build up lean muscle – especially on a tighter schedule, you can add some natural supplements into your daily routine to rev up your engine and increase both your upper and lower body strength. Coupled with a great workout schedule, you will feel ready in no time.

As excited as you may be for an upcoming adventure, proper planning is an essential component to making a trip a positive experience. By making sure you have the appropriate equipment and by getting into shape and eating well, you will become both mentally and physically prepared to tackle anything in your path, and have a truly unforgettable adventure.